Eight TOEFL Listening Tips : Practice makes a man Perfect: Never Pass without following this Tips

. Sunday, 27 September 2009

I have followed the tips of my TOEFL teacher. I think it will help improving this thinks. (If you mother language is not English) Though our mother language is not English. We are weak in English. So we can follow this thinks to improve.

10 TOEFL Listening Task and home work videos that can helpfull in exam

. Friday, 25 September 2009

Here I am mentioning some videos that is the comprehensive task. You have to listen to the topics and understand about. Listen carefully and manage the questions through.
The videos from youtube and uploaded ouliogroove. So go throught the listening task.

A great collection of videos for TOEFL Writting skill

. Thursday, 24 September 2009

This videos have the discussion about tips tricks and common mistake of the TOEFL student about writing test. Go through the videos and follow the instruction of great teacher. I think It may improve your skill of writing English topics.

All about TOEFL reading test (Videos)


Here is a collection of youtube videos that help to  improve reading skill. The reading tips and practice test is important for student.No talk and go through the videos.

Three way for improving TOEFL

. Saturday, 5 September 2009

Here is solusion for TOEFL success. There are three main areas that you need to focus on if you want to improve your TOEFL score.

  1. General language skills.

    These skills are reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar. Wait a minute? The TOEFL doesn’t test grammar any more. Why do you include grammar?

  2. Proper Test-taking-strategies.

    These are the strategies you use to best approach the questions on the iBT TOEFL. For example, in the Reading section, should you first read the whole reading passage and then answer the questions about it or just begin answering questions?

  3. Proper Time management.

    In order to finish all the questions in the time given, you will need to pay attention to the clock on the screen or your own watch (Don’t use your cell phone for a timer!). In the reading section, the 1st section of the iBT TOEFL, you have 20 minutes to answer 11-13 questions. That is approximately 1 ½ minutes for each question. Some questions will obviously take less time, but you should 3-4 questions in each 5 minute period. Check the clock regularly to make sure you are staying on pace.

Which of these 3 do you or others you know have the most trouble with? Did you already know these TOEFL Tips? Do you have any other TOEFL tips you would like to suggest? Your comments and/or questions are welcome.

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